
The Perfect Blend of Data & Insight.

Technology at AllCampusYou need real-time student enrollment information and insights — without manually crunching the numbers. We take care of the work behind the scenes through our proprietary platform, then bring you the accurate insights needed to make critical decisions and fine-tune your long-term strategy.

Our digital analytics knowledge extends across teams and informs everything that we do. Our experts not only possess analytical wizardry but also higher education marketing savvy. And, we’ve leveraged our expertise to develop a sophisticated, in-house database. Our platform lets us automatically extract information from publicly-available resources to conduct exceptionally accurate market research and gain valuable insights into new program viability, as well as ongoing optimization opportunities.

Our Proprietary Analytics Platform.

Our proprietary marketing and enrollment analytics platform provides us with deep conversion metrics as well as real-time student enrollment projections. These insights guide our strategies, enabling us to optimize every marketing campaign individually while gathering data-inspired insights to maximize the effectiveness of our overall strategy.

Our platform aggregates marketing and customer relationship management data and best-in-class commercial software to bring our partners insights and effectively grow their programs.

Contact us to learn more about technology at AllCampus, including our proprietary marketing and enrollment analytics platform.